Instead of starting off with the usual introduction into my life, why I want to write a blog, and why you should read it, I will tell you why I do not want to write one but why I am anyway.
Blog writing is difficult, and I already have one called "Explorational Adventures". In it I post about my current travels in England and how the reader can get ready for studying abroad. So, why should I write another? It is difficult to find time to write a few paragraphs, let alone entire posts. Usually I end up getting about five posts behind and changing the date on the posts so it looks like I am up to date. But I'm not. If I do that for my original blog, how will I be able to stay up to date with this one?
Also, no one really reads blogs. Why write information for the world to see if no one is even going to read it? Although, I suppose my mother is keeping up to date on my travelling, but she doesn't really count. I mean, there are about a million blogs already published and more being published all the time. How can I expect to get a large audience when that is happening?
Setting up a blog is ridiculous. Blogger is insane, Wordpress is insane, I do not really know of any other blog sites, although I am sure there are more, which are also insane. And not in a good way. Blogger gives you four main options for set-up and then allows you hundred of options to edit them, while Wordpress give you about fifty options and two ways to edit them. Being a creative and odd minded person, as I am, I prefer being able to edit the templates to my hearts content, but I can already tell that I am going to need to learn some html, which I am not extremely excited about. But I suppose it must be done.
I love sleep. And although it might not be directly linked with less sleep, I would not put the blog past it. Because if it comes down to 11 PM and you still have two more blog posts to do, you know which is going to win... Sleep, probably. But you will be thinking about how you have to write that post and not be able to sleep. Or if you are like me, you will fall asleep without another thought and then just change the time stamp on the entry. I probably won't do that here though, since most of these posts will be more rambles than reports.
But even with all those condolences, writing is amazing. When you write for yourself, you can write whatever you want. As some of you might have noticed I occasionally start sentences with no-no words like 'and', 'but', and 'because'. (This is also somewhat due to an issue I
have with too long of sentences, so cutting them off and starting with
'and', may make them flow differently, but also shorter than they would
be.) This might make you cringe in horror, but I won't stop there. I also have an issue with too many commas. I just love them. Especially the Oxford Comma. And since this is written mostly for my benefit, I can write as crazy as I want. Although, I can promise it won't be anywhere as bad as adding random number and typing in random cApiTaLS, because I hate when people write that way. But too each their own... And they are protected by the First Amendment, I suppose.
You can also be yourself and write as ironically, majestically, or dark as you want. Who is to judge you? We have already mentioned that most people do not actually read these things and even if they do, they are probably from some distant country and you will never meet them in real life. Although I do not dislike Estonia, I also do not have any current plans to go there.
I have been writing creatively since 4th grade and cannot get enough of it. Writing is some form of music, I think. You get to set your own tune and write your own lyrics. I especially love fictional writing, and that is probably going to lead to me being unable to grasp reality or to one day run around the streets yelling that dragons are coming, but I'm ok with that. As, we already know, I am odd so may as well upgrade to strange or bizarre. But creative writing is my thing and I am going to keep doing, even if I am horrible. (Although, hopefully at this point I'm not too bad.)
So, overall, I am saying write a blog if you want to, or don't. It's up to you. But if you do, try to think about who you are and write from there. Don't write something because you think you are suppose to, write it because you want to. And going with that, blogs have privacy settings for a reason, so please make your blog private if you are going to write personal secrets, etc. We really don't want a Lizzie McGuire moment where your brother finds your diary and reads it to everyone.
Thanks for listening, or reading, I suppose. If I didn't scare you away, feel free to come back later this week for another blog post. I am trying to do three a week, so we will see how that goes.
Embrace the Odd,
"This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it." -William Goldman
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