Wednesday, 24 October 2012

God Save the Nutella

Pretty much whenever I go into the kitchen, I a too blinded by hunger to actually come up with things to eat, let alone healthy. Usually I just make porridge for breakfast and for lunch I make brie and cranberry jam sandwiches. While at dinner either someone else has taken the time to choose my meal or I have thought about it in advance.

By today I wanted something else, something new. Generally when I am in this mood I just ask a flatmate for ideas, but today was my turn to shine with culinary excellence. I had this picture in my head of me appearing on Food Network's Iron Chef and making some delicious meal and gaining instant fame. I dream big.

I ended up grabbing a bunch of random tasty ingredients and throwing them all in a bowl together and mixing them around. I put corn flakes cereal, oats, nutella, peanut butter, and honey together thinking I was making some version of preacher (no bake) cookies. The end result was an abomination.

The peanut butter and nutella had not spread out as planned and just made little collection sights of corn flakes with the occational oat spot. Meanwhile most of the oats were all laying freely in the bottom of the bowl and apperently could not be bothered to attach to anything. But upon my first bite, I was pleased to find that I had stumbled upon some distant cousin of puppy chow (a sweet treat made with chocolate covered chex cereal with peanut butter and powdered sugar). All in all, I would give it a 9 out of 10 for ease of making, lack of planning, and surprisingly delicious taste from such an ugly dish.

We have a saying around our flat that 'everything tastes better with nutella or cheese'. I am glad to see it proved true today.

Until next time...

Embrace the Odd,

"My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists." -Jean Rostand

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