Tuesday, 2 October 2012

To Russia with Love

Hello, person reading this post.

I recently went into my overview to see how many people have viewed my blog and from where. I was rather surprised by the general consensus of who has been viewing it.

Apparently there are more people from Russia reading my blog than my friends in England and family in the United States combined. This is not to say there are a lot of people viewing it, but that is quite a feat! And this makes me wonder, is it just one person reading it multiple times? Or a few different people accidentally stumbling onto the site? Can my Russian readers even understand what I have posted? Perhaps I should do some posts in Russian? I am very puzzled by this new information and am unsure as to where to go from here.

I am, however, excited about my Russian viewer(s), especially since my family is from Russia only a few generations back. Although, I really cannot speak a word of it or know that much of the culture. I did watch 'An American Tail' a lot as a child though, which is about a Russian mouse family who is escaping Russia to the United States. That movie was amazing. (Hopefully, this does not offend anyone, although I am not sure why it would. It was a great movie about friendship.)

What I am trying to say is, if you are from Russia and reading this, how did you get to this site and are you enjoying the posts? What made you interested in viewing this? Can you actually read anything I post?

Here are my questions again in Russian (using Google Translate, so I apologize if it is bad grammar):

То, что я пытаюсь сказать, что если вы из России и читаете это, как вы попали на этот сайт и вам нравится сообщений? Что заставило вас заинтересован в просмотре этого? Можете ли вы на самом деле все, что я читал комментарий?

But, wherever you are from, I hope you enjoy reading my posts and feel free to leave a comment if you have questions or want to correct my spelling. If I get another big influx of people from some other country, I will write something special about them, but until then...

Embrace the Odd,

"The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention." -Kevin Kelly

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